The R-22 Used to Cool Your Plant is Being Phased Out. Now What?

Numerous substances used in industrial refrigeration are believed to be responsible for ozone depletion, especially a common low-temperature refrigerant – R-22. While R-22 is widely used in numerous food plants and cold storage facilities, an international treaty, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, calls for a halt in the production of R-22 and other chemicals damaging to the atmosphere.

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Food Processing Plants Cut the Cord With Wireless Automation

Many food processors are turning to wireless automation to improve the efficiency and interoperability of the plant’s control systems. This method of automation architecture offers significant cost savings in engineering and installation, while providing more flexible access to data for monitoring and analysis.

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Demand Rises for High Pressure Processing

Provided by Hiperbaric


High pressure processing (HPP) is gaining popularity among food manufacturers as a method that induces a pasteurizing effect on packaged food without subjecting the products to thermal energy. The recent explosion of the health and organic markets is partially responsible for the increased acceptance of this natural and environmentally friendly process.

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When to Conduct a Feasibility Study For Major Plant Decisions

In this day and age of fierce competition and tighter budgets, food manufacturers are often faced with making critical—and expensive—business decisions as part of their strategic plan. Should you refurbish existing equipment or buy new equipment to meet your manufacturing needs? Should you add product lines to increase market share and what impact would that have on current operations?

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The Three Stages of Master Planning For Food Processing Facilities

A proposed process plant schematic showing initial and future phases


What will your food processing facility look like in the future based on your growth projections? Will you expand your current facility, buy and develop adjacent property or will it be necessary to embark on a greenfield project? A master plan—a comprehensive three-to-five-year plan that determines your facility’s physical and site requirements based on growth projections—can help answer these questions.

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Three Steps in Developing a Food Processing Manufacturing Plan

Developing a manufacturing plan is generally the second phase in the strategic planning process. After creating a business plan and specifying your food processing plant’s sales and growth projections, a manufacturing plan will identify and assess the processes that are used to manufacture the product to meet those sales goals.

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Key Elements to Include in Your Food Processing Facility’s Business Plan

Most strategic plans begin with the development of a business plan, a methodical process where all aspects of the business are defined and analyzed against the company’s business objectives. Food processing companies develop business plans at different stages of their life cycle, especially in preparation to launch a new product line, invest in a facility expansion or to identify new growth opportunities.

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Six Key Benefits of Insulated Metal Panel Walls

Insulated metal panels (IMPs) installed on a building exterior provide an excellent thermal envelope. In contrast to other envelope assemblies, IMPs more effectively reduce thermal bridging. With the industry continually striving to build more sustainable designs, IMPs are by far the best and most thermally efficient product available today.

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