Distributed Refrigeration: The Benefits of Ammonia Refrigeration Without the Risk

The majority of industrial refrigeration systems in the U.S. are central-station ammonia systems—the backbone of the food and beverage industry. For over 100 years, these ammonia systems have dominated the industry because they not only have superior thermos-physical properties, but also because they’re environmentally friendly. Ammonia has a global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero.

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Why CO2 is a Viable Refrigerant Alternative

Did you know CO2 has been used in mechanical systems since the 1800s? However, over time, the industry has gravitated away from CO2 toward lower pressure, synthetic refrigerants like Freon. But now that synthetic refrigerants are being phased out due to their negative environmental impacts, it’s time to take a renewed look at CO2 as a viable refrigerant alternative.   Continue Reading “Why CO2 is a Viable Refrigerant Alternative”

The Evolution of the Refrigeration Environment

The overwhelming majority of climate scientists not only believe in global warming, but believe human activity is to blame. Whether you personally believe this or not, government bodies do. Over the past 30 years, international and national regulatory agencies have responded with legislation that fosters a more sustainable planet. And the attempt to phase out harmful chemicals—including refrigerants—has been constant.

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Six Reasons to Consider a CO2/NH3 Cascade Refrigeration System

 Food processors and distributors are under constant pressure to produce more while spending less on operations. For plant owners looking for greener and more efficient secondary refrigerants, a carbon dioxide (CO2)/ammonia (NH3) cascade system is a viable option. In addition to providing 0 ozone depletion potential (ODP) and 1 global warming potential (GWP), CO2/NH3 cascade systems offer several benefits for food processing and low-temp distribution facilities including:

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