How Stellar Services Industrial Refrigeration Compressors [VIDEO]

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We recently updated our refrigeration parts and compressor shops in Jacksonville, Florida, and Fort Worth, Texas. (Stellar also has shops in Modesto, California and York, Pennsylvania.) Each facility offers climate-controlled storage spaces and a compressor shop with a separate teardown room, clean room and paint booth.

From the time a compressor arrives at one of Stellar’s service facilities to the time it leaves, it undergoes an unrivaled 75-point quality inspection — a rigorous examination unlike any in the industry.

Stellar – Compressor Rebuild & Repair Facility (How It’s Done) from Stellar on Vimeo.

1. Visual inspection

When a compressor arrives at one of Stellar’s climate-controlled service facilities, our experienced and certified rebuild technicians document the compressor’s condition, including photos, and prepare a tear down report.

2. Disassembly

During the disassembly process, our team conducts visual and dimensional inspections, providing a comprehensive report of the compressor’s status as well as any and all issues.

3. Failure analysis

If not a routine overhaul, Stellar’s comprehensive service includes a failure analysis to determine the root cause of the problem. This allows our customers to take corrective actions to prevent future damage to the rebuilt compressor.

4. Dimensional analysis

A detailed dimensional analysis is performed to verify if the compressor conforms to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications. Any dimension outside of the recommended tolerance is noted in the report.

5. Cleaning

Once the proposed service is approved, our team begins the clean-up process. Stellar’s top-of-the-line, self-contained power washers thoroughly clean the compressor, returning it to a pristine, like-new condition.

6. Machining

Any components not meeting strict OEM specifications are repaired to ensure they are within tolerance. Any parts that cannot be repaired are replaced using only trusted OEM parts.

7. Verifying machined parts

When machining is complete, our team verifies the dimensions and tolerances to confirm that the equipment was repaired correctly. With tolerances as low as a thousandth of an inch, this final verification is critical to our rebuild process.

8. Rotor balancing

Our team balances every single set of rotors, regardless if they were damaged or not. We conduct precision-level balancing, fine-tuning rotors to an even higher standard than the manufacturer’s “out-of-the-box” calibration. In fact, many of our clients say it’s the smoothest their compressor has ever run.

9. Reassembly

The compressor is then taken to a dedicated clean room where it’s reassembled using OEM-specialized tooling and procedures. We ensure slide valves operate smoothly, and that bearing end play and outlet rotor end clearance is measured and reset, as needed.

10. Rotational testing

After assembly, our team performs rotational testing to ensure break away torque specifications. Our technicians rotate the rotors by hand, paying careful attention to nuances that should be present according to that particular manufacturer’s specifications. 

11. Static pressure testing

We also conduct static pressure tests to confirm the compressor can hold pressure for at least an hour.

12. Eco-friendly painting

The compressor is then coated with an approximate three mils of industrial heavy-duty paint. All painting is performed in self-contained, environmentally friendly spray booths.

13. Protective packaging

Finally, the compressor is loaded onto a pallet or skid and sealed in sleek, branded packaging. This double-walled, 275-pound-burst-rated box protects the compressor from any dings or damage during shipping. We then ship the compressor anywhere in the country in just one to two days.

We’re proud to be the only OEM-authorized repair and rebuild supplier in partnership with the eight key manufacturers.

Have questions about how we repair and service industrial refrigeration compressors? Comment below or email me at 


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